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Today I would like to just talk from the heart.  As I learn daily how to die to SELF, I find that God really has a sense of humor.  When you think you have things under control and nothing can bother you; that is when the unexpected things happen that tend to shake you just a little.  I thank God that His GRACE is suffiecient during these times.  Some days are without hiccups but some days, the hiccups are so bad that you can’t catch your breath.

“Life is but a Dream” is part of a nursery rhyme, but if you are really living LIFE, it is more than a dream; sometimes it can feel like a nightmare but I’m thankful that I know who can turn the nightmare into a love story!
The Love of God will carry you through ANY situation! NO matter the problem, how great or small it may be, learn to trust the PROBLEM SOLVER!

With A Servant’s Heart

Sister. Bertha Evins

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